alpine flowers
Aug 12 2019 to Aug 14 2019
All Day

Struggle, hurt, and failure are inevitable. This event walks us through the process of regaining our footing in the face of adversity and emerging as a stronger person. Whether your struggle is a big one, or a small one, having the courage, skills, and intention to push through is empowering and enlightening. This is the Rising Strong™ process.

Do you fear starting new things or taking risks because the thought of failure stops you in your tracks? 

Do you fear starting new things or taking risks? 

Are you more reactive than you'd like to be? 

Do you catch yourself jumping to conclusions before you have all the information? 

Would you like to learn more from past mistakes/situation and move forward proactively? 

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you may want to find out more about the Daring Way™ events

Facilitated by Celeste Schell BA, MC, RCC. Certified Daring Way™  Facilitator (CDWF). 

There are limited spots available so make sure to register early! Registration deadline is July 12, 2019. 

Special accommodation rates are available at the Cahilty Hotel 


synergy counselling associates
